Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) License


Oxford maintains specialised team with long and specific experience in the financial sector, and can assist you on the registration process of your Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF), at a minimum time after submission of the relevant application form to the competent authorities in Cyprus (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission – CySec).


Oxford Management can assist you obtain a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) license through the provision of the following services:

The Investment Services and Activities Regulated Markets Law of 2007 – Law 144(I)/2007, which implements the provisions of Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), makes Cyprus one of the most ideal jurisdictions for permanent establishment of your investment firm, while offering to potential investors a single passport to provide investment services within the European Union.

Cyprus maintains the lowest corporate tax rate in Europe with a highly sophisticated and developed infrastructure to serve the financial services industry needs at its best.

We have put together a technical report highlighting the main features of the Law and some of the requirements to set up a Cyprus Investment Firm.
Oxford will provide you with advisory support towards authorisation and registration of the Cyprus Investment Firm and prepare the application file in accordance with the current regulatory requirements. Moreover, we can locate qualified executive and non-executive directors and personnel and provide legal accounting and auditing support for your investment firm.


The main criteria that need to be satisfied by the Commission in order to grand an authorisation are:


In order to obtain a license, the interested party should submit an application to the CYSEC.

The main documents to accompany the application are:

The Commission must, within six months from the submission of a duly completed application for the granting of a CIF authorisation, reach a decision and inform the applicant for the granting of authorisation or rejection of the application.

During this six month period the Commission may request additional information or clarifications regarding the application submitted.

In order for a Company to offer Investment Services in Cyprus, it must apply to CySEC to obtain the relevant license to offer the following services:

  • Reception and transmission of orders in relation to financial instruments as defined in the Act on behalf of investors;
  • Execution of orders other than own account;
  • Underwriting issues of financial instruments as defined in the Act;
  • Managing investment portfolios that follow the mandates given by investors in the case of the portfolios including any number financial instruments;
  • Investment Advice;
  • Dealing in financial instruments pertaining to its own account.
  • Safakeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash / collateral management;
  • Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments;
  • Foreign exchange services where these are connected with the provision of investment services. These services enable Companies to exchange foregin currencies at spot prices;
  • Services related to underwriting.
  • Money-market instruments and transferable securities;
  • Units in collective investment schemes;
  • Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements (FRAs) and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities, that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties or that can be physically settled provided that they are traded on a regulated market and /or an MTF (not being for commercial purposes);
  • Interest rate, equity and currency swaps;

Options for the future disposal or obtaining of any financial instrument, particularly currency and interest rate options as well as equivalent cash-settled instruments.

For more information about Cyprus Investment Firms please feel free to download our FACT SHEET No. 15 “Cyprus Investment Firms (CIF)”.

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